When A Writer Has No Words

This morning, I woke up at six o’clock, and started working on my daily to-do list. At eight o’clock, I got a text message from my boyfriend about the attacks in Brussels, at the Zaventem airport. I couldn’t believe it at first. I thought it was either a hoax, or an accident that had happened but was not related to […]

News / Updates / Randomness

So, after the April challenge, I wanted to take a few days off from blogging…and before you know it, it’s halfway through May and a few days turned into two weeks. I have a few updates, about writing and publishing, plans for the future, and some general randomness. News First, the release date of Reflected (Mirrorland #2) got pushed forward […]

I won an award!

I won my first writing award ever, and I’m extremely proud of this. I’m one of the four authors of the year at “The Library Junior”, a book blogging website geared toward kids books. Check out the award post here! On top of that, my publisher, Evolved Publishing, was crowned publisher of the year by the same website. What an […]