Monthly Goals December 2013

Each month, I write down my writing-related goals and track my progress. Here are the goals I had for last month. Goals I reached are marked through. Participate in NaNoWriMo and win. My goal is to finish the first draft of a YA manuscript, of about 65-75k words, so more than the intended NaNoWriMo word count of 50k. Write paper […]

Monday Musings #13

Every Monday, I try to give a recap of last week’s events on my blog and writing-related. Editing. Edits are done for “Valentina and the Whackadoodle Witch”. I’m expecting edits for “The Doll Maker” this week. Cover sketches. The illustrator for the Valentina and Weirdville series, the talented Noelle Giffin, sent me cover sketches for multiple covers this weekend. The […]